LOINTEK continues to demonstrate its leadership in energy innovation by hosting the SOLARSCO2OL project
On Monday, March 18 and Tuesday, March 19, LOINTEK was honored to host the SOLARSCO2OL project partners for the General Assembly (GA) for the 42nd month (M42) of the project. This visit not only symbolizes the strong collaboration between LOINTEK and SOLARSCO2OL, but also highlights LOINTEK’s continued leadership and commitment in renewable energy, especially in innovation in the molten salt thermal storage sector along with the efficiency improvement of supercritical carbon dioxide cycles.
The meeting focused on the detailed monitoring of the project progress to date (M42), where crucial aspects of the plant process and lessons learned from the STEP Demo Pilot Plant in Texas were discussed. This sCO2 symposium held last February in San Antonio, USA, is crucial to demonstrate the achievements and discuss the future of this technology.
As leaders of the working group (WP4), LOINTEK has made key contributions in the manufacture of two hairpin heat exchangers, essential for the project: the Primary Salt Heater and the Recuperator. These components are essential for the development of a key technology aimed at increasing the flexibility and efficiency of solar thermal power plants.
The visit of SOLARSCO2OL technicians reaffirms the importance of international collaboration in the search for innovative and sustainable solutions to the energy challenges of the future. The SOLARSCO2OL project, co-funded by the European Commission through Horizon 2020 and led by 14 European companies and technology centers, is expected to reach a marketable milestone by 2030, ushering in a new era in solar thermal energy.